sketching with code.

Pebble apps

World Now

image of World Now watchface

World Nowは、RSSニュースを受信して表示するwatchfaceです。「現在の時刻」を「今世界で起きている出来事」で表す、というコンセプトで作りました。



WorldNow is a RSS news watchface. This watchface is created based on the concept that current time is expressed by what's going on in the world.

This watchface acquires headlines of news through RSS and display them. If you tap on or shake the watch, the characters of the headlines begin to move and form the digits of time. (In the case of the sample animation, the time is 13:48.) And if you shake again, the characters go back to headlines.

This work expresses the relation between the present time and what's going on in the world.

World Now from hikoLab on Vimeo.

screenshot of World Now watchface


World Now is available on the Pebble appstore

Version 1.0.0: 2014.4.5 リリース

Version 1.0.0: 2014.4.5 released


photo of Peek watchface


多くの人が腕時計を左手に付けますが、その場合、Pebble watchのディスプレイの左側はシャツの袖の中に隠れやすくなります。そのため、ディスプレイの右側に、より知りたい情報をレイアウトするようにしました。


When wearing a long sleeve shirt, the face of a watch is often hidden under the cuff. So it is necessary to push the cuff up in order to see the watch.

"Peek" is designed to grasp easily the current time, even if a part of the display is hidden under the sleeve.
Many people wear a watch on the left wrist. In that case, the left side of the display of Pebble watch is frequently hidden beneath the cuff. So in this watchface, the elements of time which we often want to know are arranged on the right side of the display.
The layout is as follows:
image of the layout
The more frequently an element updates, the more to the right it's arranged.

In order to grasp a lapse of time at a glance, elements of time are displayed in progress bar style.

image of Peek watchfaceimage of Peek watchface



Normal edition:

Peek is available on the Pebble appstore

Version 1.1.0: 2014.5.17 リリース 12h形式の表示に対応。
Version 1.0.0: 2014.3.21 リリース

Version 1.1.0: 2014.5.17 released. Support 12-hour style.
Version 1.0.0: 2014.3.21 released.


Inverted edition:

Peek Inverted Edition is available on the Pebble appstore

Version 1.1.0: 2014.5.17 リリース 12h形式の表示に対応。
Version 1.0.0: 2014.4.21 リリース

Version 1.1.0: 2014.5.17 released. Support 12-hour style.
Version 1.0.0: 2014.4.21 released.

Barcode Watch

photo of Barcode Watch watchface

Barcode Watchは、時間をバーコードで表示するシンプルな時計です。 バーコードは時間を示す4桁の数字(HHMM)を表していて、毎分、表示を更新します。

The watchface is a simple watch that displays the current time as a barcode. A barcode contains 4 numbers representing time(HHMM). It updates a barcode every minute with an animation.

The barcode's symbology type is NW-7(Codabar). You can read a barcode using a barcode reader such as a smartphone app.


Barcode Watch is available on the Pebble appstore

Version 1.0.0: 2014.3.3 リリース

Version 1.0.0: 2014.3.3 released


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